Saturday, December 17, 2011

Trends bend the society

Trend, it is that messed (I didn’t really want to use mess, but the other 4 letter word being offensive!) up thing, that makes people lose their identity and makes them run towards an eternal craze to catch up with the world. It is like the one last train we would never want to miss. Everything we do, including the one I’m involved right now-blogging, is a trend.

There was this bunch of school kids, with their hands holding out placards that read “Wear HELMETS for your own safety”. Not many notice them standing, with the whole of the traffic concentrating on somehow crossing the junction before the signal goes red. I, riding a cycle, cross them and with a lot of time to read the placards, I turn my head. All of them start smiling, including me, at the fact that it was not of much relevance to me and I was one of the few who read that.

I saw in here, a bitter result that bad trends set. Breaking the rules is considered a cool thing to do. Ignorance is considered bliss. A trend set by most of the teen movies around. People forget to understand that what might look cool on screen may not be so in reality. Wearing a helmet would be just a one-time investment of 700 rupees, but not wearing one might even cost us our lives. 90% of the deaths of bikers are due to head injuries. The fact stays of their heads.

Someone told me that the Godfather-part III is not as good as the first two in the trilogy. And here I am, yet to watch it. I went by a trend that says IMDB ratings tell you about a movie. Of course, I myself have realized over time that the ratings are not accurate and that they just give you an overview of what a lot of people who vote feel about the movie.

I am not saying we should completely stop from being stereotypes. If we start looking around, from everything we touch to what we think to what we live into is because of some trend we flow with. Undoing what we did to ourselves will only ultimately end with we standing naked, considering the fact that wearing clothes once began as a trend a long, long time ago. What I’m really trying to say is that we need to follow the world around, to a certain limit and build the rest of our personality with a lot of uniqueness to it. Going by just the trend blindly is a fooling act. Trend-setters are never trend-followers!

Outside this trendy world lies forgotten happiness that people once enjoyed like a bicycle ride savoring the slow-paced view around.

Few links that you might  like to read on human behavior with changes in trends:

Friday, December 16, 2011

The US walks out of Iraq !

The US government announces the withdrawal of the last of its troops yesterday, in a dramatic event. In what the US considers a great achievement, there lies a bitter fact. "Reviving" Iraq cost not just the Iraqis but also a whole lot American soldiers' lives. Is the result worth the loss humanity has suffered? That's one question that can never be answered by  any President of the United States.

U.S. Marks End to 9-Year War, Leaving an Uncertain Iraq
At Iraq War’s End, Wounds Are Still Fresh for Falluja
Junkyard Gives Up Secret Accounts of Massacre in Iraq
Click here for a BBC news report on this... 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Exclusion of Group-C staff from the Lokpal Bill

The civil society members under Mr. Anna Hazare see this as an act of betrayal; the opposition grabs this as another opportunity to accuse the government; and the common man, is again left clueless and frustrated at the scenario in Indian politics. Anna Hazare sir has once again announced his discontent with the government and began a rally to oppose this act of excluding the Group-C staff from the hands of the Lokpal Bill.

Click here for further insight into the developments..